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This case history has been lifted from Tessa Shepperson’s Landlord Law website. The site offers landlord documents and information which can be accessed by subscription. Sometimes guides and articles are offered for free. There is also a landlord blog and landlord law webinars and training events. Here they describe a very stressful eviction…

Isn’t this a horror story?! While legal expenses insurance cannot make tenants behave reasonably, or remove stress caused by misbehaviour, it does provide protection against the considerable legal costs that would be incurred to deal with evictions such as the case described.

Landlord Legal Solutions also gives free access to a 24/7 telephone legal advice helpline and access to online legal documents such as notice to terminate a tenancy and covering letters. We can also arrange to prepare and issue notices to terminate in England & Wales subject to a fee.

If you arrange insurance for private residential properties (not HMOs) Landlord Legal Solutions really does make sense.

Lesley Attu Blog

Disclaimer - all information in this article was correct at time of publishing.